Riverside Condominium
Welcome to the Tappahannock Riverside Condominium Co-Owners page - some information is accessible to the general public, some of the management info is accessible only to condominium owners and requires a password.


The Condominium Council of Co-Owners is governed by a volunteer board. They are elected annually for a three year term and meet monthly.

Board meetings will be held at 9:30 AM on the second Saturday of each month in the Board Room.

Quarterly meetings (OPEN) with co-owners will be held at 9:30 AM in the Party Room on the second Saturday in April, July and October.

The Annual Meeting will be held on the second Saturday in January.


Riverside Gazette - newsletter in PDF format
Gazete newsletters

General Information

Summer house rules in PDF format - helpful tips for co-owners
Summer House Rules

The Riverside Condominium on the Rappahannock River in Tappahannock Virginia
128 Prince Street  #3 •  Tappahannock  •  Virginia  •  22560  •  804-443-2190  •  fax: 804-443-2190  •  email: riversidecondominium128@gmail.com